How to buy a Clash of Clans account

Here’s how to buy a Clash of Clans account from the most reputable source for COC accounts.

Start by choosing the subcategory of Town Halls you’d like. Then select the COC account you wish to purchase, add it to your cart and proceed to the checkout process.

Once you’re in checkout fill the information required and pick your desired payment method. We have a wide variety of payment methods on our website, including:

  • CashApp (US P2P Money Transfer)
  • Venmo (US P2P Bank Transfer)
  • PayPal (Worldwide)
  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, more…)
  • Debit Card
  • Ideal
  • Crypto

If you have another form of payment that we don’t have listed at checkout, please let us know on Live Support. We will try our best to accommodate you.

After payment is received, you’ll receive an email walking you through the next steps. Our sales team will walk you through the process until you’re up and running and satisfied. 

Delivery times can take anywhere from 1 hour to 12 hours depending on your availability. 

And that’s how to buy a Clash of Clans account. Now head on over to the town halls you’d like and let us know if you have any questions!

We Accept Most Payment Methods

Payment methods
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