How Grindswap Does Firecapes…

The fire cape. OSRS’ most coveted cape, right behind the infernal cape. The immense bonuses this cape provides is something to not be underestimated. But, what’s the sacrifice to attain such an item? Well, you’ll need to slave away at the fight caves, for hours upon hours, in the hopes of defeating 63 waves of high-level monsters (at times – multiple of them). And if you die on wave – it’s back to the start! In fact, if you’re a lower level account, you could be there for days!

If only there was a way to forget about the fight caves and get a fire cape. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about completing the fight caves anymore. At GrindSwap, we’ll do the hard work for you! That’s right – for a cheap fee, we’ll complete the fight caves on your account, and leave you with that fire cape.

We’ve been in the online gaming business since 2007, and we’ve completed thousands of fight caves for clients with varying account levels over that duration of time. Our advanced knowledge of the ins and outs of the fight caves promises you that fire cape you’ve always wanted. So, what are the requirements? In short – there are none! We can complete fire capes on low level accounts, medium level accounts and high-level accounts. Keep in mind however, due to the massive amounts of time and skill required to complete fire capes on extremely low-level accounts, the cost of service is subject to increase. Furthermore, harder fire capes would have a longer time of delivery, but we’ll let you know the expected date and time of delivery!

Our Firecape Product List

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We pride ourselves in confirming that your account is safe always. That’s why, when you choose to use our OSRS fire cape service, you can know that we are completing the fire cape all by hand. That means there’s been zero bots used, making it so you won’t get banned! Don’t trust these other websites, who may tell you that they provide cheaper OSRS fire cape services, yet when you hand over your account and hard-earned cash, they take it all – and you’re left with nothing! Instead, trust the experts at GrindSwap, who’ve been doing this for years, and are the go-to place for thousands of fire capes regularly.

If you’ve got any questions, queries or comments, let us know! You can easily access us via our 24/7 live chat widget, which instantly connects you to our English-speaking customer service team. Or, you could email us at, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Come on, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get that fire cape you’ve always desired. Simply head over to our OSRS fire cape service webpage and order it. We can’t wait to slay the mighty Jad for you and get you that fire cape!

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